

Hello! Charlie and Louis here, the proud new owners of The Watered Garden, Nottingham's treasured houseplant shop. Since we took the helm, we've been excited to continue the legacy Becca and Chris started and help this lively little business grow—literally and figuratively.

In 2017, Becca and Chris had a dream: to transform their blossoming passion for plants into a thriving venture. Born in a conservatory, from a handful of rescue houseplants, The Watered Garden swiftly flourished into a unique botanical oasis in Sneinton Market, delighting plant enthusiasts across Nottingham.

Fast forward a few years, and the baton was handed to us. With Charlie’s experience of working in the shop, we felt ready to nurture the seed Becca and Chris had planted. We'd long dreamt of running a small business together, and when the opportunity arose, we knew it was meant to be.

As we step into this new chapter, we're eager to cultivate a diverse, vibrant community around The Watered Garden. Our vision includes expanding our workshops, trendsetting in the houseplant world, and making the joy of plant care accessible to everyone. We aspire to maintain the shop's reputation as a tranquil, friendly space where customers can slow down, breathe deeply, and reconnect with nature.

We’re grateful for the chance to intertwine our personal and professional lives and couldn’t be more thrilled to share this journey with all of you. Here’s to flourishing together at The Watered Garden.

Charlie and Louis standing by the ladder in The Watered Garden 

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