
Welcome to our collection of Houseplant Workshops, where we invite you to step into our green oasis at The Watered Garden and explore the diverse and delightful aspects of plant care.

From the meticulous construction of a self-contained ecosystem in our 'Demijohn Terrarium Workshop', to creating your very own hanging green globe in our 'Kokedama Workshop', these sessions offer you the chance to expand your houseplant horizons and engage in hands-on learning experiences.

Each of our workshops is designed to offer comprehensive insights into specific areas of plant care and styling. We'll guide you through each step, ensuring you learn key skills while also creating your unique plant masterpiece. With all tools, materials, and care instructions provided, you’ll leave with not just a beautiful creation, but the knowledge and confidence to continue your plant care journey.

Whether you're a seasoned plant parent looking to refine your skills, or a green-thumb-in-training eager to get your hands dirty, our workshops are perfect for those seeking to enrich their understanding and love of houseplants. Join us at The Watered Garden for these immersive experiences in our lush, plant-filled paradise.

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