Type 2 Care



Keep these plants in a brightly lit spot with partial sunshine. In the height of summer make sure plants aren’t scorched by direct sunlight as this can result in brown, washed out leaves. Turn the pot frequently to prevent leaves turning towards the light.




These plants prefer dry conditions, but also like a good drink. Water thoroughly but allow the soil to mostly dry out between waterings.

We check that the top layer soil is dry before watering type 2 plants. This is typically once a week during the summer months, and once every 2-3 weeks during winter months.




Type 2 plants prefer free draining, well aerated soil. We recommend purchasing cactus and succulent soil which will be mixed with ingredients such as perlite, coconut husk or pumice stone to achieve this. If your pot doesn’t have drainage holes, be careful not to water too much to avoid excess moisture sitting around the roots, as this can lead to root rot.


What we do


We check that the top layer soil is dry before watering type 2 plants. This is typically once a week during the summer months, and once every 2-3 weeks during winter months.

N.B. If you aren’t sure whether to water or not, remember that these plants are drought resistant, so it’s always better to underwater rather than overwater.

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