Type 4 Care



Type 4 plants prefer a brightly lit spot with partial sunshine, but can cope with lower light spaces if watering is reduced. In the height of summer make sure plants aren’t scorched by direct sunlight as this can result in brown, washed out leaves. Turn the pot frequently to prevent leaves turning towards the light.




These plants prefer damp soil. Water thoroughly to prevent soil from drying out, but make sure it is never sitting in standing water as this can lead to root rot.




Type 4 plants prefer free draining, rich soil. If your pot doesn’t have drainage holes, be careful not to water too much to avoid excess moisture sitting around the roots, as this can lead to root rot.


What we do


We check that the top of soil before watering type 4 plants. If the soil is damp but drying out then it can be watered. If the soil feels wet/saturated then we don’t add more water and check the soil again a few days later. We water type 4 plants once a week during the summer months, and once a fortnight during winter months.

N.B. Remember it isn’t not all about the frequency of watering, but also the volume of water given. If you think your soil is too wet or too dry, try keeping the same routine but alter how much water you give each time.

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