Peperomia Prostrata

Product image 1Peperomia Prostrata
Product image 2Peperomia Prostrata
Product image 3Peperomia Prostrata

Regular price £28

Plant Size Chart

The Peperomia Prostrata, commonly known as the String of Turtles, is a Type 2 plant. This delightful variety is celebrated for its small, round leaves patterned with a beautiful, turtle-shell-like marbling. Its trailing habit makes it an excellent choice for hanging planters, where its dense, vine-like growth can be showcased.

Good to Know

  • Light: Prefers a brightly lit spot with partial sunshine. Ensure protection from intense direct sunlight to preserve the intricate leaf patterns.
  • Water: Likes dry conditions but appreciates occasional watering. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings to prevent root rot.
  • Soil: Best grown in well-draining, aerated soil. A cactus or succulent mix is ideal to ensure proper drainage and prevent water retention.
  • Temperature: Prefers warm conditions and should be protected from cold drafts and frost.
  • Humidity: Tolerates average room humidity but may benefit from increased humidity levels.
  • Growth: Moderate grower, known for its compact and trailing vines that create a lush, cascading effect.
  • Origin: Native to the rainforests of Brazil, appreciated for its ornamental foliage and adaptability to indoor environments.

Who's it for?

The Peperomia Prostrata is perfect for both beginners and experienced plant lovers alike. Its unique, decorative look and easy-care requirements make it a fantastic addition to any indoor plant collection, especially for those looking to add a touch of the exotic to their home.

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Plant Size Chart

Check out the breakdown of pot sizes that each of our sizing options represent across our range of plants, if you need to know the specifics for your chosen plant, please feel free to contact us at



Pot Diameter (cm)


5.0 - 6.5


7.0 - 10.0


10.5 - 15.5


16.0 - 22.0


22.5 +