Monstera Leichtlinii

Product image 1Monstera Leichtlinii
Product image 2Monstera Leichtlinii
Product image 3Monstera Leichtlinii

Regular price £30

Plant Size Chart

The Monstera Obliqua 'Leichtlinii' is a Type 3 plant. This rare and exquisite variety of Monstera is known for its highly fenestrated leaves, which are more delicate and lace-like compared to other Monsteras. Its intricate leaf patterns and trailing habit make it a highly sought-after plant for collectors and enthusiasts alike, adding an air of tropical sophistication to any indoor space.

Good to Know

  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect light. Adequate lighting is crucial for encouraging fenestration and maintaining the plant's unique leaf structure.
  • Water: Enjoys consistent moisture. Water when the top layer of soil begins to dry, but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.
  • Soil: Best grown in well-draining, fertile soil. A peat-based mix with good aeration is ideal.
  • Temperature: Prefers warm and stable temperatures. Protect from cold drafts and extreme temperature fluctuations.
  • Humidity: Thrives in high humidity environments. Consider using a humidifier or placing the plant in a naturally humid area like a bathroom.
  • Growth: Moderate growth rate, with a vining habit that can be trained on a trellis or allowed to cascade.
  • Origin: Native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, appreciated for its ornamental and unique foliage.

Who's it for?

The Monstera Obliqua 'Leichtlinii' is perfect for plant lovers who are captivated by rare and intricate foliage. Its specific care requirements and striking appearance make it a prized choice for both seasoned collectors and enthusiastic beginners looking to elevate their indoor garden with a piece of living art.

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Plant Size Chart

Check out the breakdown of pot sizes that each of our sizing options represent across our range of plants, if you need to know the specifics for your chosen plant, please feel free to contact us at



Pot Diameter (cm)


5.0 - 6.5


7.0 - 10.0


10.5 - 15.5


16.0 - 22.0


22.5 +